Communication Board For Stroke Patients
MPD + Sonata: A perfect match to play music
First I must clarify before this post is that the way to play music with these tools is completely different from the traditional. If you're not interested in playing music as a true geek, then runs away and looks for other applications, they are not for you.
If you are brave, let's continue then. MPD is a daemon (or service) to play music, run in the background and has no graphical interface. In fact start as anything else on your team (red, hal, udev, etc).
How the hell do I interact with him? you ask. Simple, is based on a client-server architecture so there are applications that communicate with it (customers) and allow you to handle it. That's where Sonata and company. First
we must do is install the dependencies:
# aptitude install mpd mpc sonata I installing it 2 clients, Sonata and MPC, because I want to control playback via SSH from my phone xD (yes, yes, very geeky ... but I like the convenience)
Then go to our home directory, create the folder
. mpd
and inside this folder create two more,
music playlists and
$ cd ~ $ mkdir-p. mpd / playlists
$ mkdir-p .mpd / music
Inside the folder. mpd files created mpd.db , mpd.log and Mpd.error
$ touch / mpd.db .mpd
$ touch / mpd.log .mpd
$ touch / mpd.error
Now, for each folder of music we have in our system we a symbolic link in music: $ ln-s / ruta/de_la/carpeta1 .mpd / music $ ln-s / ruta/de_la/carpeta2 .mpd / music ...
Then (as root) edit the configuration file MPD / etc / mpd.conf
and modify the following options:
music_directory / home / your_username / .mpd / music
playlist_directory / home / your_username / .mpd / playlists
DB_File / Home / your_username / .mpd / mpd.db log_file / home / your_username / .mpd / mpd.log
error_file / home / your_username / .mpd / mpd.error
user comment the line to avoid problems with Permissions:
# user "mpd"
And look for the audio section and configured for ALSA or PulseAudio, ALSA
audio_output {type "alsa"
name "My ALSA Device "}
audio_output {type" pulse "
name" My PulseAudio Device "}
establish a software mixer, uncomment the following line:
mixer_type" software "
And voila! Then restart the service and create the database tags:
# / etc / init.d / mpd restart - create-db
Now from Sonata (or from mpc) add the songs you want to list and begin to enjoy. This combination is so great that we can close the Sonata and even the graphical session and the music will continue playing.
We will be something as minor as this:
Or in its extended version:
And with a nice notifications:
Tell me ... Is not it a wonder? Well from here on the left to experience and fall in love.
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