Monday, June 21, 2010

How To Put Cheats On Gpsphone From A Mac

TIDSL103 - Animated Gif simple windlass

As I promised. Les will detail the steps to get the animated gif you just saw. These are:
a) Import the initial image.
b) Duplicate the layer. (Click Layer / Duplicate Layer.
c) Click on Select / All.
d) Click on the "tool rotation." Click on the image and rotate.
e) Then duplicate the layer rotated.
f) Click on Select / All.
g) Click on the "tool rotation." Click on the image and rotate.

It will have three layers. Two of the images will be rotated.
h) Go to Filters / Animation / Optimize for gif.
a new file is created:

i) Click on File / Save As. Save the new file extension gif.
j) dialog box appears. Click on "save as animation." Then click "expoter"
k) Another dialog box appears. Indicate "Delay between pictures" (this is the time will each box) and click on "Use delay entered above for all frames." Click Save.
l) Finally, there is the new gif file. Close the file.
ll) With open right through your browser. (Click to open with / Open with .... browser) You can see the animated gif.

Luckily now the animated gif samples as such.
To view it in the blog simply upload a picture and you will see the moving gif.
If you want to expand on the topic recommend you click on the labels of this blog: Tags / animated gif.

Greetings and keep in touch.

Lupus Anticoagulant Test Range

TIDSL103 - Playing with the layer modes

To perform this task drew up the figures in Inkscape with the tool to make stars.

Then create a png file and import it into Gimp.

then modify the colors in Gimp, with the pail.

The background is painted with the pail by clicking on "patterning."

The program displays a pattern. If we click on it will display several options. I chose: "Maple Leaves"

Then create a second layer of color seen in the following screenshot.

Then I changed "the way" according to the options provided.

As shown can change the colors with this option.

I hope you like the experience. Greetings to everyone.

Diy Engagement Party Table Esca

TIDSL103 - Text with shadows and highlights. Gimp

With Gimp you can create different logos.
The camimo in the new version of Gimp is as follows: File / New / Logos.

I have installed a version of the past few years, 2.4.6, and as there are no logos, I searched and found at: Exts / Logos.

I leave the screen shot I made about this, if someone is helpful.

worked with several of the options offered by the program. In some cases they changed the background or the color of the letters.

The poster that started this post I made in Inkscape. Cree

green rectangle, and then crawled back logos made in Gimp.

Some logos I made minor modifications to the tool to select and transform objects "(the arrow).

So much exercised.
Greetings and ... still learning.

How To Give A Dog Penicilin

TIDSL103 - Focus - Blur

The photo on which I worked is:

To select the pigeon used the quick mask. It is located on the canvas in the lower left corner, under the rule.

I followed the steps recommended Nina:
  • spike on the mask ... and everything turns red
  • verify that the color pickers (two color squares on the box) are in BLACK AND WHITE, ie maximum contrast.
  • choose a brush and brush edges look fuzzy
  • start painting with white
  • select
  • with black (which is actually red) left out of the selection
  • spike mask button Go testo how my selection

Then I went to edit / copy. Then I stuck in a second layer (which previously believed) the dove.

I went on the imported image and selected with the tool of "free choice" at the bottom of the photo. Which represents the floor that is ahead and around the dove and has a loose feather. The copied (right click: edit / copy) and pasted into a third layer.

layers were as follows:

Then I apply blur: Filter / Blur / Gaussian Blur to the layer containing the imported image (more blur) and the layer having the floor and Pen (less blur).

Thus I managed to stand out the dove in front.